Defending the Cause

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you! On Nov 8th we received a special message thanking us for our dedication to help orphan and vulnerable children. Perhaps you had a special message at church on what is called “Orphan Sunday” or you might have heard about it. Well, we had never heard about it and we were curious to find out more.

Orphan Sunday began after one young man’s mission trip to Zambia several years ago. He was inspired during a worship service that changed his life. He witnessed a small church, faced with deep needs themselves, step forward after the service for orphans in their community to give money, food and other goods; some even taking off their shoes and placing in the offering. I am sure that many of you have never even heard of Orphan Sunday. And, with all the days that are designated for something at church in our society, it might have come and gone without your knowledge.

Dorah and her family, Ssese Island

We will not trouble you with statistics of the orphan and vulnerable children population in Uganda or worldwide. But, I will tell you that each number represents a child with a special need like that of Dorah. I have known Dorah’s family for twenty years. I have seen two generations of women in this family live in heartbreaking, abject poverty. We have helped where we could but I decided that the cycle needs to be broken with Dorah. It’s not enough that her mother, who was raped, was considered a curse because she is a deaf mute. Now Dorah (conceived as a result of that rape), stayed at home while other children daily passed her home laughing and playing while on their way to school. But, not Dorah, she had to go to the garden to help dig. One person responded to Dorah’s need and, for the first time, she started nursery school in September.

Windows of Hope has 25 more children on our sponsorship waiting list and just one person can make a tremendous difference in their life. That person could be you. We have been called to defend the cause of orphans (Isa: 1:17). So, this season, when you are thinking of a special gift for someone, put an orphan on your gift list. We thank God for each of you who have helped us reach many children through your faithful prayers and financial support. We are praying that you are blessed with the joys of the season and the gifts of His love. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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